The Power of Connection

when i think of my photography.. what has inspired me and got me hooked from the very beginning........ it's what i feel when i want to approach a subject...or have something in mind to shoot... i have always felt a beat inside my chest...excitement maybe.... like a sonar device beeping loudly..... telling me when I’m close to something hot that resonates for me

it usually begins with the power of connection. i feel something.. i see something out of the corner of my eye~ in another that i relate to.. that stirs me.. evokes some emotion.. interest..or peeks my curiosity... i just want to move in a little closer..observe....... to examine it... usually it's something small.. a nuance...

this also makes me realize that when people are not connecting.. relating.. there is a feeling of distance.. . ..isolation.. being unseen or unheard.. just invisible at times too...

i think a lot of the discord between people of different cultures.. religions.. political affiliations..... friends... lovers.... is that there are barriers within ourselves..from beliefs, state of mind, anger, unresolved issues....distortion, misinformation or lack of education...

we hold on tightly to our stance, sometimes without budging or knowing we are doing that..... unforgiving..... and yet.. we all just pretty much want the same live a fulfilled peaceful life... in tandem with others....harmony.. peace.... Love.... and connection........ 

if we could just be more yielding.. open.. and push ourselves to see.. listen. observe.. to not go to our defaults..we’d all be better off......change is dependent on pushing for a new viewpoint.. a different lens ------first on ourselves....... and then on the world..

photography brings me closer to heart... my spirit.. what i believe.. feel... what i want to share... it brings me closer to others i might not have had the chance to meet or talk to...... and broadens my deeper sense of connection to the world at large.. if i can feel this peace.. and deepening connection within it only empowers me to form the same deep connections with’s what makes me feel alive....